Congratulations to Mathieu Larocque, of “la Polyvalente Marie-Esther” in Shippagan and to Marie-Christine Arpin, of “l’École Marie-Gaétane” in Kedgwick, grade 12 students who have each been awarded a bursary in the amount of $1,000 from the Université de Moncton during the 15th annual Provincial French Pride Week. Both Mathieu and Marie-Christine were awarded this bursary after winning first place amongst the participants to the literary contest. In order to be considered, the essays submitted had to express a thought or opinion and be centered around the theme of « En français je suis né, née, en français je vivrai » (I was born in French, and I’ll live in French).
We wish them both great success in their university studies.
Click on the links below to read the winning essays (French only).