
It’s something we should be proud of!

The name Marianne Limpert is well known in New Brunswick. In 1996, this New Brunswicker brought honour to the province when she won the silver medal in swimming at the Atlanta Olympic Games. What is less well known is that, in a way, her training was carried out in both official languages. Her coach, a Quebecker, spoke to her in English in order to improve his proficiency in that language. As for Marianne, she seized every opportunity to improve her French. She would often help her Francophone teammates who spoke little, if any, English.

“I enjoy talking to people and making them feel comfortable with me,” said the former Olympic swimmer. “I believe there is no better way of doing that than by communicating with them in their own language.” In addition to English and French, Marianne speaks German, her parents’ mother tongue.

After studying and working here and there across Canada, Marianne decided to come back
to New Brunswick where she likes the pace of life. Working in communications, she greatly appreciates the province’s bilingual status. “I’m happy to live in New Brunswick, the only officially bilingual province. It’s something we should be proud of!”